CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2019; 98(S 02): S154-S155
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1686519

Hearing preservation potential after Cochlear-Implantation: comparison of 6 lateral-wall electrode arrays

MC Suhling
1   HNO-Klink/MHH, Hannover
A Lesinski-Schiedat
2   HNO-Klinik/MHH, Hannnover
T Lenarz
3   HNO-Klinik/MHH, Hannover
R Salcher
3   HNO-Klinik/MHH, Hannover
M Schüssler
3   HNO-Klinik/MHH, Hannover
M Bardt
3   HNO-Klinik/MHH, Hannover
› Author Affiliations


    Due to the characteristics of cochlear-implants, Nucleus Hybrid-L24, Nucleus CI422/522, MED-EL FLEX 20, 24, 28 ©and Advanced Bionics SlimJ, can be used to preserve residual hearing. The aim of this analysis was to compare the degree of hearing preservation, its relation to electrode lenth and construction type of 6 different lateral -wall electrodes.


    In this retrospective analysis 908 adult patients with preoperative residual hearing (better than 80dB between 125 – 1500 Hz) underwent Cochlear implantation using Hybrid-L24 (n = 269), CI422/522 (n = 422), FLEX 20 (n = 57), Flex 24 (n = 56), Flex 28 (n = 93) und SlimJ (n = 11) electrodes. Pre- and postoperative (initial fitting, three, six and twelve and month) pure tone audiometry (125 – 1500 Hz) was performed.


    Good hearing preservation (median hearing loss ≤15dB) was achieved in 62% Hybrid-L, 54% CI422/522, 44% FLEX 20, 30% FLEX 24, 12% FLEX 28 and 50% SlimJ at the initial fitting. After 12 month good hearing preservation was documented in 62% der Hybrid-L, 48% CI422/522, 44% FLEX 20, 33% FLEX 24, 12% FEX 28 patients.


    Hearing preservation is possible in the majority of patients implanted with these lateral-wall electrodes. Higher percentage of good hearing preservation was found for shorter electrodes. In addition, different results were found between same-length electrodes of different manufacters.

    Dr. med. Marie-Charlot Suhling
    Medizinische Hochschule Hannover,
    Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625

    Publication History

    Publication Date:
    23 April 2019 (online)

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