Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2023; 18(S 01): S49
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1767955
Abstracts | DK 2023
Postersitzung 10

Patient and Healthcare Professional Experiences of Suboptimal Insulin Dosing in Germany

Alfonso Ponce-Ibarra
1   Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Medical Diabetes, Bad Homburg, Germany
Nora Hennies
2   Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Medical Affairs, Bad Homburg, Germany
Rachel Newson
3   Eli Lilly and Company, ANZ Clinical Research Physician, Sydney, Australia
Esther Artime
4   Eli Lilly and Company, VEO-TA Diabetes, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
Erik Spaepen
5   HaaPACS, RWA - Diabetes, Schriesheim, Germany
Hans-Peter Kempe
6   Diabetologikum, Diabetologikum, Ludwigshafen, Germany
› Author Affiliations

    Question From the perspective of people with diabetes (PwD) and healthcare professionals (HCPs), what is the extent of suboptimal insulin dosing (missed and mistimed doses) and the factors underlying this behavior?

    Methods A cross-sectional, multinational non-interventional survey study of 1150 PwD and 640 HCPs was conducted in the UK, US, Germany, and Spain. In Germany, 400 PwD using an analogue insulin pen (100 with type 1 diabetes, 300 with type 2 diabetes) and 160 HCPs (80 GPs and 80 specialists) completed the survey. Results are presented for the German sample.

    Results Overall, 47.3% of PwD reported missing basal and 58.0% missing bolus insulin doses, in the past 30 days. This corresponded to a missed average (SD) of 3.5 (2.9) basal and 5.0 (10.1) bolus doses. Overall, 47.3% of PwD reported mistiming basal and 51.0% mistiming bolus insulin doses, in the past 30 days. This corresponded to an average (SD) of 3.9 (4.3) basal and 5.0 (7.1) bolus doses. Key reasons PwD reported missed and mistimed basal and bolus insulin doses included being busy, out of routine, finding it complicated, or having an unexpected or later than expected meal. Most HCPs (≥78%) indicated that 1–30% of PwD missed or mistimed an insulin dose in the last 30 days.

    Conclusion PwD are missing and mistiming insulin doses, largely for preventable reasons. Integrated and automated insulin dosing support may help PwD reduce missed and mistimed doses, improve communications between PwD and HCPs and ultimately optimize insulin management.



    Alfonso Ponce-Ibarra, Nora Hennies, Rachel Newson, and Esther Artime are employees and minor stake/shareholders of Eli Lilly and Company. ES is a contractor at Eli Lilly via HaaPACS, Schriesheim, Germany. Hans-Peter Kempe is an advisor or speaker for and/or has received research grants/payments from Eli Lilly and Company.

    Publication History

    Article published online:
    02 May 2023

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