Homeopathy 2004; 93(01): 63-64
DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2003.11.001
Letters To The Editor
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Physical analysis of ultramolecular dilutions

German Guajardo
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
22 December 2017 (online)

The chapter of instrumental analysis of homeopathically diluted water is by no means closed. In fact it is just beginning. Some NMR studies of homeopathic water have been discredited,[ 1 ] and the ideal instrument is yet to be determined.

For example, preliminary studies in structural pharmacology to date suffice to motivate in depth exploration (enough repetitions for statistical analysis and blind experiments) of the possibilities of electromagnetic spectra to explain homeopathic water structure. Shui Yin Lo,[ 2 ] Casaroli[ 3 ] and Sukul[ 4 ] have published promising preliminary reports with infrared spectrophotometry which are. Another possible avenue is fluorescence spectrofluorometry pioneered by Rosas Landa[ 5–7 ] and Shui Yin Lo,[ 8 ] and recently explored in two further experiments published in PhD theses[ 9,10 ] Sukul[ 11,12 ] has published intriguing pilot studies in the UV-visible spectra with Cina 30c.

There is also the almost unexplored (except by Shui Yin Lo[ 8 ]) promise of electron microscopy; if these results turn out to be reproducible or not several theoretical propositions could be sustained or rejected. Finally direct ultraviolet spectrophotometry which has frequently been claimed to show reproducible results.

Why limit the scope of water-structural analysis to NMR, when other types of spectroscopy are calling out for attention? May be pioneer studies like those of Luu D Vinh[ 13 ] with Raman spectrophotometry should not be forgotten.

Complex mathematical interpretation is undoubtedly needed, but they should be accompanied with relevant experimental approaches. Of equal importance as the study of structure is the analysis of physicochemical properties that might differ in activated solvent water. The 21st century greets us with promising results exploring thermoluminiscence,[ 14 ] calorimetry,[ 15,16 ] electrical conductivity and pH [ 17,18 ] of homeopathic dilutions

  • References

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  • 2 Lo SY, Lo A, Chong LW, Tianzhang L, Hui Hua L, Geng X. Physical properties of water with IE structures. Mod Phys Lett 1996; 10: 921–930.
  • 3 Casaroli-Marano RP. Infrared changes in dinamized solutions. Rev Homeopatica 1998; 38: 5–12; Abstract in Br Hom J 2000; 89: 52.
  • 4 Sukul NC, De A, Rutta R, Sukul A, Sinhababu SP. Nux vomica 30c prepared with and without succussion shows antialcoholic effect on toads and distinctive molecular association. Br Hom J 2001; 90: 79–85.
  • 5 RosasLanda V, Rodriguez R, Andrade A. Espectrofluorometria de los medicamentos homeopáticos. In: Propulsora de Homeopatı́a (eds.), Temas de Investigacion en Homeopatı́a. Mexico, pp. 38–58.
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