Horm Metab Res 2004; 36(5): 281-285
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-814481
Original Basic
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Metabolism of D-Glucose Anomers in Rat Pancreatic Islets Exposed to Equilibrated D-Glucose

W.  J.  Malaisse1 , Y.  Zhang1 , H.  Jijakli1 , P.  Courtois1 , A.  Sener1
  • 1Laboratory of Experimental Hormonology, Brussels Free University, Brussels, Belgium
Further Information

Publication History

Received 12 August 2003

Accepted after Revision 4 November 2003

Publication Date:
24 May 2004 (online)


This study aims at establishing the contribution of α- and β-D-glucose to the total generation of 3HOH by rat pancreatic islets exposed to D-[2 - 3H]glucose or D-[5 - 3H] glucose at anomeric equilibrium. The islets were incubated for 60 min at 4 °C in the presence of equilibrated D-glucose (2.8 and 8.3 mM) mixed with tracer amounts of either α- or β-D-glucose labelled with tritium on either the C2 or C5 of the hexose. Relative to their respective concentrations, 3HOH generation from the anomers labelled with tritium on the C2 or C5 of the hexose provided β/α ratios comparable to those previously found at both 2.8 and 8.3mM, when the islets were exposed to each anomer separately. The relative contributions of each anomer to the total generation of 3HOH was also close to the theoretical values derived from mathematical models for the catabolism of D-glucose at anomeric equilibrium in rat islets at both 2.8 and 8.3 mM and in the case of both D-[2 - 3H]glucose and D-[5 - 3H]glucose. Thus, even in islets exposed to D-glucose at anomeric equilibrium, the metabolic fate of α-D-glucose differs vastly from that of β-D-glucose, the enzyme-to-enzyme channelling between hexokinase isoenzymes, especially glucokinase, and phosphoglucoisomerase being restricted to α-D-glucose 6-phosphate.


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W. J. Malaisse

Laboratory of Experimental Hormonology · Brussels Free University

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Email: malaisse@ulb.ac.be