Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 1995; 207(11): 314-315
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1035386
Diagnostisches Forum

© 1995 F. Enke Verlag Stuttgart

Retinochoroiditis als diagnostischer Hinweis auf eine akute systemische Toxoplasmose bei einem immunkompetenten Patienten

Retinochoroiditis as Early Symptom in Acute Systemic Toxoplasmosis in an Immunocompetent PatientHartmut Wenkel, Ulrich Schönherr
  • Augenklinik mit Poliklinik der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Vorstand: Prof. Dr. G. O. H. Naumann)
Further Information

Publication History

Manuskript erstmalig eingereicht am 04. 05. 1995

in der vorliegenden Form angenommen am 26. 05. 1995

Publication Date:
08 February 2008 (online)


History and general investigations In february 1993 a 53-year-old immunocompetent man presented at our department with blurred vision on the right eye for 6 weeks. Following a journey to Guatemala in november 1992 he had developed undulating fever up to 40 °C (later subfebrile temperature) with loss of weight (15 kg), dysesthesia mainly in the feet and general weekness. He was hospitalized at a general hospital and treated with different antibiotics. Various examinations showed normal results, like cranial computer-tomography, and serological tests for virus, bacteria or malaria. Only the transaminases and the borrelia serology (IgG: 1:80, IgM: neg.) were slighly elevated, and the abdominal sonography revealed a moderate hepatomegaly.

Ophthalmological findings Visual acuity was 1.0 in both eyes. The right eye showed fatty retrocorneal precipitates, cellular infiltration of the anterior chamber and vitreous and a focal retinochoroiditis next to the superior temporal vessels (Fig. la), with corresponding defect in visual field and nerv fiber layer (Fig. lb, c). Serology established the diagnosis of an acute gerneralized toxoplasmosis (IgM ISAGA i.S.: 1:1600; IgM-AK IFT i.S.: 1:128, KBR i.S.: 1:320).

Therapy and clinical course After adequate chemotherapy ocular symptoms and dysesthesia improved rapidly. The temperature stayed low and the liver parameters returned to normal.

Conclusion The ophthalmoscopic finding of an acute focal retinochoroiditis played an important role for the diagnosis of an acute generalized toxoplasmosis in a patient with fever of unknown origin. Ocular manifestation is rare in acute generalized toxoplasmosis.