DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 57 · 1987 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-39936

Review Article

Mannucci, Pier Mannuccio; Tripodi, Armando: Laboratory Screening of Inherited Thrombotic Syndromes

Original Article

Owens, Michael R; Cimino, Catherine D; Donnelly, Joan: Testosterone Effects on Biosynthesis of Coagulation Proteins
Salonen, Riitta; Nikkari, Tapio; Seppänen, Kari; Venäläinen, Juha M; Ihanainen, Merja; Rissanen, Viljo; Rauramaa, Rainer; Salonen, Jukka T: Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Platelet Aggregability and Platelet Produced Thromboxane
Clark, William F; Tevaarwerk, Gerald J M; Reid, Bruce D; Hall, Suzanne; Caveney, Anita; Parbtani, Anwar; Kreeft, John: Calcium and the Fc Receptor on Human Platelets
Soria, J; Soria, C; Samama, M; Tabori, S; Kehl, M; Henschen, A; Nieuwenhuizen, W; Rimon, A; Tatarski, I: Fibrinogen Haifa: Fibrinogen Variant with Absence of Protective Effect of Calcium on Plasmin Degradation of Gamma Chains
De Stefano, V; Leone, G; De Carolis, M P; Ferrelli, R; De Carolis, S; Pagano, L; Tortorolo, G; Bizzi, B: Antithrombin III in Full-Term and Pre-Term Newborn Infants : Three Cases of Neonatal Diagnosis of AT III Congenital Defect
Rengasamy, Appavoo; Soura, Soudabeh; Feinberg, Harold: Platelet Ca2+ Homeostasis: Na+-Ca2+ Exchange in Plasma Membrane Vesicles
Grant, P J; Stickland, M H; Wiles, P G; Davies, J A; Wales, J K; Prentice, C R M: Hormonal Control of Haemostasis During Hypoglycaemia in Diabetes Mellitus
Speijer, Han; Govers-Riemslag, José W P; Zwaal, Robert F A; Rosing, Jan: Platelet Procoagulant Properties Studied with Snake Venom Prothrombin Activators

International Committee Communications

Letters to the Editor

Violi, F; Valesini, G; Iuliano, L; Ghiselli, A; Falco, M; Balsano, F: Anticardiolipin Antibodies and Prostacyclin Synthesis
Haverkate, F; Koopman, J; Kluft, C; D’Angelo, A; Cattaneo, M; Mannucci, P M: Fibrinogens “Milano II” - and “Naples”