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J Pediatr Genet 2015; 04(03): 154-158
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1564442
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1564442
Review Article
Intellectual Disability: When the Hypertrichosis Is a Clue
Further Information
Publication History
16 June 2015
17 June 2015
Publication Date:
28 September 2015 (online)

The skin and the central and peripheral nervous system both derive from the ectoderm ridge. Therefore, several syndromes characterized by the presence of intellectual disability (ID) can be associated with specific congenital cutaneous manifestations. In this review, we list some of the most frequent diseases characterized by the presence of ID associated with hirsutism, which might be an incentive for the clinicians to pay attention to the ectodermal annexes in patients with ID.
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