Methods Inf Med 1967; 6(03): 97-107
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636364
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

Collection, Evaluation, and Transmission of Hospital Laboratory Data[*] [**]

D. A. B. Lindberg
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
19 February 2018 (online)

A computer system has been described by which, the results of all clinical laboratory determinations are collected, evaluated, and transmitted. A special feature is the complex of medical considerations called LIMITS by which reports are evaluated. The system has been effective as a hospital service device and also has been heuristic in raising questions concerning the recognition of patterns amongst clinical laboratory reports.

Der Autor beschreibt ein elektrisches Datenverarbeitungssystem, in dessen Rahmen die Ergebnisse aller Laboratoriumsbestimmungen gesammelt, ausgewertet und übertragen werden. Eine Besonderheit sind die auf medizinischen Überlegungen aufgebauten Grenzwerte (Limits), an denen die Resultate getestet werden. Das System hat sich im Dienste des Krankenhauses bewährt und seinen heuristischen Wert auch bei der Frage nach dem Vorkommen von bestimmten Konstellationsmustern bei Minischen Laboratoriumsuntersuchungen erwiesen.

* Presented at the Seventh I.B.M. Medical Symposium, Pough-keepsie, New York, October 25, 1965.

** The research reported here was supported by U.S.P.H.S Grant HM-00374.

  • References

  • 1 International Business Machines Corporation. Self-checking number feature, Modulus 11, and its associated self-checking-number generator, Modulus 11.. (Publication Number G24—1022—0, 1960 ).
  • 2 Lindberg D. A. B.. Electronic processing and transmission of clinical laboratory data. Missouri Med 62: 296-302 1965;
  • 3 Lindberg D. A. B., Van Peenen H. J., and Couch R.. Patterns in clinical chemistry: low serum sodium and chloride in hospitalized patients. Amer. J. Clin. Path 44: 315-321 1965;
  • 4 Van Peenen H. J., and Lindberg D. A. B.. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen as measures of renal function: a computer-assisted study. Missouri Med 62: 992-995 1965;