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DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2003.08.002
Complexity science and homeopathy: a synthetic overview
Publication History
Received02 May 2003
revised18 July 2003
accepted04 August 2003
Publication Date:
12 December 2017 (online)

Homeopathy is founded on ‘holistic’ and ‘vitalistic’ paradigms, which may be interpreted—at least in part—in terms of a framework provided by the theory of dynamic systems and of complexity. The conceptual models and some experimental findings from complexity science may support the paradoxical claims of similia principle and of dilution/dynamization effects. It is argued that better appreciation of three main properties of complex systems: non-linearity, self-organization, and dynamicity, will not only add to our basic understanding of homeopathic phenomena but also illuminate new directions for experimental investigations and therapeutic settings.
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