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DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2010.03.005
Database on veterinary clinical research in homeopathy
Subject Editor:
Publication History
Received21 August 2009
revised24 February 2010
accepted31 March 2010
Publication Date:
17 December 2017 (online)
Objective: The aim of the present report is to provide an overview of the first database on clinical research in veterinary homeopathy.
Procedures: Detailed searches in the database ‘Veterinary Clinical Research-Database in Homeopathy’ (
Results: The database contains about 200 entries of randomised clinical trials, non-randomised clinical trials, observational studies, drug provings, case reports and case series. Twenty-two clinical fields are covered and eight different groups of species are included. The database is free of charge and open to all interested veterinarians and researchers.
Conclusion: The database enables researchers and veterinarians, sceptics and supporters to get a quick overview of the status of veterinary clinical research in homeopathy and alleviates the preparation of systematical reviews or may stimulate reproductions or even new studies.
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