Homeopathy 2012; 101(03): 147-153
DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2012.05.006
Original Paper
Copyright © The Faculty of Homeopathy 2012

Effects of microcurrent application alone or in combination with topical Hypericum perforatum L. and Arnica montana L. on surgically induced wound healing in Wistar rats

Fabiene C.B. Castro
1   Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Amanda Magre
1   Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Ricardo Cherpinski
1   Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Paulo M. Zelante
1   Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Lia M.G. Neves
2   Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Marcelo A.M. Esquisatto
2   Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Fernanda A.S. Mendonça
2   Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
Gláucia M.T. Santos
2   Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, Herminio Ometto University Center, Araras, SP, Brazil
› Author Affiliations

Subject Editor:
Further Information

Publication History

Received24 February 2012
revised16 May 2012

accepted22 May 2012

Publication Date:
29 December 2017 (online)

Objectives: This study evaluated the wound healing activity of microcurrent application alone or in combination with topical Hypericum perforatum L. and Arnica montana L. on skin surgical incision surgically induced on the back of Wistar rats.

Design: The animals were randomly divided into six groups: (1) no intervention (control group); (2) microcurrent application (10μA/2 min); (3) topical application of gel containing H. perforatum; (4) topical application of H. perforatum gel and microcurrent (10μA/2 min); (5) topical application of gel containing A. montana; (6) topical application of A. montana gel and microcurrent (10μA/2 min). Tissue samples were obtained on the 2nd, 6th and 10th days after injury and submitted to structural and morphometric analysis.

Results and conclusion: Differences in wound healing were observed between treatments when compared to the control group. Microcurrent application alone or combined with H. perforatum gel or A. montana gel exerted significant effects on wound healing in this experimental model in all of the study parameters (P < 0.05) when compared to the control group with positive effects seen regarding newly formed tissue, number of newly formed blood vessels and percentage of mature collagen fibers. The morphometric data confirmed the structural findings. In conclusion, application of H. perforatum or A. montana was effective on experimental wound healing when compared to control, but significant differences in the parameters studied were only observed when these treatments were combined with microcurrent application.

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