Nux vomica 30c, 200c and 1000c were administered orally to three batches of albino mice for three days. Six hours after the last dose on the third day the mice were injected i.p. with ethanol 4 g/kg body wt. They lost their righting reflex and lay motionless apparently sleeping due to alcohol. Mice treated with three potencies of Nux vomica regained their righting reflex more quickly than the corresponding untreated controls. Each of the three batches of mice was tested twice for ethanol sedation, once with a potency of Nux vomica and another time with a placebo control. The time interval between drug treatment and control was 10 days. NMR spectra of Nux 30, Nux 200, Nux 1000, alcohol 30, alcohol 30 (unagitated) and 90% alcohol showed significant difference from each other with respect to the spin–lattice relaxation time (T1) of the deuterium nuclei. This gives a measurable physical basis of the effective high potencies of Nux vomica.
Nux vomica
- homeopathic potencies - righting reflex - alcohol - sleep - NMR spectra - T
1 value