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DOI: 10.1055/a-0600-2979
Relevance of MRI After Closed Reduction of Traumatic Hip Dislocation in Children
Article in several languages: English | deutschPublication History
Publication Date:
14 May 2018 (online)

Background Traumatic hip dislocation in children and adolescents is a rare entity that typically results from high-energy trauma. After closed joint reduction, further treatment depends on the specific pattern of the lesion as identified using cross sectional imaging. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate relevant side effects after traumatic hip dislocation in children and adolescents in order to examine the need for focused diagnostics.
Patients/Material and Methods This retrospective analysis covered 8 adolescents under 18 years suffering isolated traumatic hip joint dislocation between 2001 and 2017. In all patients, closed joint reduction was performed immediately after admission to the emergency room. In order to evaluate the complete extent of the injury, 5 patients received an MRI and 3 patients a CT scan following closed joint reduction.
Results Two female and 6 male patients with a median age of 11 (range 5 – 16) years were included. In 2 cases, a free joint body was detected in the posterior joint gap in the posttraumatic CT scan after closed joint reduction. Interposition of the labrum into the joint gap was detected intraoperatively in both cases. In one patient who received posttraumatic MRI, labral interposition into the joint gap was observed after closed reduction. These findings were confirmed intraoperatively. In 4 other patients, no posttraumatic labral lesion was detected in the MRI after closed reduction. The reported side effects included ruptured anterior inferior iliac spine and ruptured femoral head ligament.
Conclusion MRI is gaining increasing importance following traumatic hip dislocation in children and adolescents. A missing chondral or osteochondral fragment in the CT scan does not exclude a labral lesion or interposition. Therefore, MRI following closed reduction is mandatory in any case.
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