Laryngorhinootologie 2018; 97(10): 717-734
DOI: 10.1055/a-0652-6494
Facharztwissen HNO
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Diagnostik und operative Therapie der Otosklerose

Teil II: Operative TherapieDiagnostics and Surgical Therapy of OtosclerosisPart 2: Indication, Surgical Procedure and Postoperative Treatment
Stefan K. Plontke
Marie-Luise Metasch
Jonas Zirkler
Thomas Zahnert
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
19 October 2018 (online)


Für die – oft in Diagnostik und Therapie anspruchsvolle – Otosklerose kann bei richtiger Diagnosestellung eine operative oder apparative Hörrehabilitation mit sehr hohen Erfolgschancen in Aussicht gestellt werden. Der erste Teil des Fortbildungsbeitrags umfasste Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Differenzialdiagnostik, im zweiten Teil soll auf therapeutische Aspekte und Nachsorge eingegangen werden.


After approximately 100 years of development and stepwise improvement, stapes surgery is a succesful strategy of managing hearing loss in otosclerosis, although challanges remain. Contraindications include too poor speech understanding (not enough inner ear reserve), and acute or chronic inflammation of the external ear and middle ear. Stapes surgery in the last hearing ear can today be indicated in exceptional cases, especially if the contralateral ear was supplied with a cochlear implant. In case of simultaneous occurrence of pronounced external auditory canal exostoses, a staged procedure may be useful.

The surgical principle is to mechanically replace the fixed stapes with a piston-shaped implant under perforation or partial removal of the stapes footplate. Laser-assisted stapes surgery has proven itself in practice and the laser is used regularly today. In regard to revision surgery the increased risk of hearing loss or deafness and vertigo has to be considered. Revisions are made in the event of complications and persistent or newly occurring conductive components. In the case of insufficient hearing rehabilitation, alternative options should be considered, e. g. the combination of a stapes plastic with an active middle ear implant, or a cochlear implant.

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