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DOI: 10.1055/a-1472-3204
Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Stimm- und Aussprachestörungen
Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Disorders of Voice and Speech
Menschen mit Kommunikationsstörungen sind in ihrer sozialen Teilhabe eingeschränkt, was häufig die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität stärker beeinträchtigt als offensichtliche physische Leiden. Diese Einschränkungen werden durch Selbsteinschätzungen der Betroffenen, ggf. auch durch die Angehörigen erfasst. Sie korrelieren oft nur wenig mit objektiven Parametern zur Quantifizierung der Störung.
Those affected by communication disorders are restricted in their communicative participation, which often affects health-related quality of life more than obvious physical ailments. These restrictions are recorded through self-assessments by those affected, and possibly also by relatives. They often have little correlation with objective parameters for quantifying the disorder. Health-related quality of life HRQoL is a non-disorder-specific parameter and does not reflect the type or extent of dysphonia, dysglossia or dysarthrophonia, nor the consequences of a possibly minor disorder in a speech-intensive occupation. Therefore HRQoL should be assessed in a standardized manner. Emotional and physical complaints influence both the self-perception of the extent of the disorder and thus the level of suffering. Recording them increases the success of the treatment and patient satisfaction.
Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität - HRQoL - Dysphonie - Dysglossie - DysarthrophoniePublikationsverlauf
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13. September 2021
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