Synthesis 2009(4): 577-582  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1083349
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Efficient Synthesis of Substituted Cyclic α-Aminophosphonates

Irina L. Odinets*a, Oleg. I. Artyushina, Nikolay Shevchenkob, Pavel V. Petrovskiia, Valentin G. Nenajdenkob, Gerd-Volker Röschenthalerc
a A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 28 Vavilova Street, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
Fax: +7(499)1355085; e-Mail:;
b Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 119992 Moscow, Russian Federation
c Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Bremen, Leobener Str., 28334 Bremen, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

Received 28 July 2008
Publication Date:
02 February 2009 (online)


The addition of diethyl phosphite to cyclic imines bearing alkyl, aryl, or heteroaryl substituents at the α-position in diethyl ether at room temperature presents an efficient route to substituted cyclic α-aminophosphonates. The application of boron trifluoride-diethyl ether complex as a catalyst significantly accelerates the reaction.