Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43(2): 45-49
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1237694
Original Paper

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Effects of Duloxetine in Treatment-Refractory Men with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

E. Walderhaug1 , 2 , S. Kasserman2 , D. Aikins1 , 2 , D. Vojvoda2 , C. Nishimura2 , A. Neumeister1 , 2
  • 1Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, West Haven, CT, USA
  • 2National Center for PTSD, Clinical Neurosciences Division, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT, USA
Further Information

Publication History

received 25.05.2009

revised 13.07.2009 accepted 21.07.2009

Publication Date:
15 December 2009 (online)


Introduction: Although there is evidence that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors provide some benefit in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), most meta-analytical reviews have concluded that effect sizes are small and, moreover, that there may be relatively little benefit for some populations (e. g., combat veterans with co-morbid major depression, MDD). This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of the dual reuptake inhibitor duloxetine in the treatment of PTSD and co-morbid MDD.

Methods: Twenty-one treatment refractory, male, combat-related patients with PTSD and co-morbid MDD were enrolled in a naturalistic study and twenty completed the trial. Duloxetine was given between 60 and 120 mg daily over 8 weeks.

Results: Duloxetine led to a significant improvement of PTSD-characteristic symptoms as well as co-morbid MDD. Duloxetine effectively reduced nightmares, which is important because decreasing nightmares has been associated with improved sleep in PTSD.

Discussion: The results of this naturalistic study suggest that duloxetine is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for patients with PTSD and co-morbid MDD. These initial results need to be extended to the study of women with PTSD.


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A. NeumeisterMD 

Department of Psychiatry

Yale University School of Medicine

VA Connecticut Healthcare System (116-A)

Department of Psychiatry

Clinical Neurosciences Division

950 Campbell Avenue

Bldg. 1, Room 9-174, MSC 151E

West Haven CT 06516


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