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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1248603
Schizophreniforme Erkrankungen, Psychose und Tötungsdelikte: Die Bedeutung sozialtherapeutischer Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Delikten
Schizophrenic Diseases, Psychosis and Homicide: The Importance of Community Psychiatry for the Prevention of OffencesPublication History
Publication Date:
22 October 2010 (online)
Einleitung Es wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob Tötungsdelikte von psychotischen Patienten bei umfassender psychiatrischer Behandlung hätten verhindert werden können. Methode Es erfolgte eine Analyse von 39 Psychoseerkrankten, welche ein Tötungsdelikt begangen hatten. Ergebnisse Bei 10,2 % zeigten sich eindeutige Fehler, bei weiteren 15,4 % war eine fehlende Kommunikation zwischen Angehörigen des Patienten und Therapeuten für die Tat mitverantwortlich. Schlussfolgerungen Die gesamte Familie des Patienten sollte im Rahmen der Sozialpsychiatrie in die Therapie mit einbezogen werden.
Objective Even though homicides of psychotic patients are relatively rare, they have a great impact on the public opinion about the mentally ill. Current literature indicates that psychotic patients are at an increased risk to commit violent offences. The risk of this group to commit a homicide is even more increased. The question of our study was to find out whether past homicides of schizophrenic patients could have been avoided if treatment had been administered properly. Methods Review of 39 homicide cases, committed by patients who had been psychotic during the offence. Results 10.2 % of the homicides could have been prevented in the absence of mistakes of therapists or legal authorities. Another 15.4 % of the homicides could have probably been avoided in case of communication between the treating therapists and family of the patient previously to the offence. Conclusions The whole family of the patient should be involved in the therapy. Possibilities are home visits on the basis of community care. Furthermore, threats of psychotic patients should be taken seriously.
Schizophrenie - Psychose - Tötungsdelikte - Gewalt
schizophrenia - psychosis - homicide - violence
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Dr. med. Joachim Nitschke
Bezirksklinikum Ansbach, Klinik für Forensische
Feuchtwanger Straße 38
91522 Ansbach