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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1251989
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Effects of Altering Pedal Frequency on the Slow Component of Pulmonary V˙O 2 Kinetics and EMG Activity
Publication History
accepted after revision March 03, 2010
Publication Date:
29 April 2010 (online)
This study investigated the effects of pedal frequency on the slow component of pulmonary oxygen uptake (V˙O 2) kinetics during heavy exercise at the same relative intensity. We hypothesized that higher pedal frequency (expected to enhance fast-twitch muscle fiber recruitment) would be associated with greater slow component amplitude (A’s), surface electromyography (normalized root mean square; RMS) and blood lactate concentration ([lactate]). Eight subjects performed square-wave transitions to heavy exercise at 35 and 115 rpm. Furthermore, alternated cadences square-wave transitions (35–115 rpm) were performed to examine the potential effects of additional fast-twitch muscle fiber recruitment on the slow component. Significance was accepted when P<0.05. The A’s was greater at higher cadences (0.58±0.08 and 0.70±0.09 L.min−1 at 115 and 35–115 rpm, respectively) than at 35 rpm (0.35±0.04 L.min−1). Greater EMG increase over time (ΔRMS(10–3 min)) and [lactate] were observed at 115 and 35–115 rpm compared with 35 rpm. There was a significant correlation between A’s and overall ΔRMS(10–3 min) for all pedal frequencies combined (r=0.63; P=0.001). Pedal frequency had no effect on time constants or time delays. These findings are consistent with the concept that progressive recruitment of muscle fibers is associated with the V˙O 2 slow component.
Key words
exercise - contraction frequency - oxygen uptake - surface electromyography
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