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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1270924
Natural Inhibitors of Pancreatic Lipase as New Players in Obesity Treatment
Publication History
received Dec. 7, 2010
revised February 11, 2011
accepted February 21, 2011
Publication Date:
16 March 2011 (online)

Obesity is a multifactorial disease characterized by an excessive weight for height due to an enlarged fat deposition such as adipose tissue, which is attributed to a higher calorie intake than the energy expenditure. The key strategy to combat obesity is to prevent chronic positive impairments in the energy equation. However, it is often difficult to maintain energy balance, because many available foods are high-energy yielding, which is usually accompanied by low levels of physical activity.
The pharmaceutical industry has invested many efforts in producing antiobesity drugs; but only a lipid digestion inhibitor obtained from an actinobacterium is currently approved and authorized in Europe for obesity treatment. This compound inhibits the activity of pancreatic lipase, which is one of the enzymes involved in fat digestion.
In a similar way, hundreds of extracts are currently being isolated from plants, fungi, algae, or bacteria and screened for their potential inhibition of pancreatic lipase activity. Among them, extracts isolated from common foodstuffs such as tea, soybean, ginseng, yerba mate, peanut, apple, or grapevine have been reported. Some of them are polyphenols and saponins with an inhibitory effect on pancreatic lipase activity, which could be applied in the management of the obesity epidemic.
Key words
Orlistat - high fat diet - polyphenols - saponins - obesity - fat digestion
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Prof. J. Alfredo Martinez
Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology
University of Navarra
c/Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Phone: +34 9 48 42 56 00
Fax: +34 9 48 42 56 49