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DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1291584
Creation of a therapeutic digestive endoscopy suite in Senegal: renovation, training and university certification. Results of a Belgian–Senegalese inter-university project
Publication History
Publication Date:
23 January 2012 (online)
Therapeutic digestive endoscopy did not exist in sub-Saharan Africa before 2005. However, the prevalence of digestive diseases that could potentially benefit from basic endoscopic treatment is very high in this region. Portal hypertension with variceal bleeding and severe dysphagia associated with benign or malignant upper gastrointestinal tract diseases are prominent in these countries. The aim of the Project described in this report was to create a digestive endoscopy facility in Dakar (Senegal, West Africa), that would also provide local training in therapeutic endoscopy to doctors and nurses and facilitate regional autonomy with the opening of a University Certification in Gastroenterology. It took about 10 years to achieve these targets – 5 years to prepare realistic aims that took into account local needs, available local resources, and funding, and 4 years for the Project itself (2005 – 2009). At the present time, Senegalese colleagues and nurses are autonomous for basic therapeutic procedures in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. Two years after the end of funding, the rate of therapeutic activity has increased from 0 % in 2005 to 12 % of digestive endoscopic activity in 2011. Key points of success were preparation, confidence of medical personnel, university involvement, shared funding, local multidisciplinary training, and facilitation of autonomy. Belgian healthcare workers were present on-site in Dakar for a total of about 6 months over the 4-year Project period, with an annual budget of less than €80000.
The Project has enabled an efficient North – South collaboration with a minimal budget, which has changed the healthcare provision of digestive endoscopy in Senegal, and has also provided autonomy, and facilitated the development of South – South cooperation.
† Deceased.
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