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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1304648
Relationship between Anaerobic Parameters Provided from MAOD and Critical Power Model in Specific Table Tennis Test
Publication History
accepted after revision 23 January 2012
Publication Date:
04 May 2012 (online)

The aim of this study was to verify the validity of the curvature constant parameter (W′), calculated from 2-parameter mathematical equations of critical power model, in estimating the anaerobic capacity and anaerobic work capacity from a table tennis-specific test. Specifically, we aimed to i) compare constants estimated from three critical intensity models in a table tennis-specific test (Cf); ii) correlate each estimated W′ with the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD); iii) correlate each W′ with the total amount of anaerobic work (W ANAER) performed in each exercise bout performed during the Cf test. Nine national-standard male table tennis players participated in the study. MAOD was 63.0(10.8) mL · kg − 1 and W′ values were 32.8(6.6) balls for the linear–frequency model, 38.3(6.9) balls for linear–total balls model, 48.7(8.9) balls for Nonlinear–2 parameter model. Estimated W′ from the Nonlinear 2-parameter model was significantly different from W′ from the other 2 models (P<0.05). Also, none W′ values were significantly correlated with MAOD or W ANAER (r ranged from − 0.58 to 0.51; P>0.13). Thus, W′ estimated from the 2-parameter mathematical equations did not correlate with MAOD or W ANAER in table tennis-specific tests, indicating that W′ may not provide a strong and valid estimation of anaerobic capacity and anaerobic capacity work.
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