Periorbital aging is a multifactorial process involving volume loss (bone and soft tissue), tissue decent, and cutaneous degenerative changes. Traditional approaches to surgery on this area of the face have been subtractive in nature, focusing on excision of skin, muscle, and fat. This has frequently led to a gaunt or hollowed postoperative appearance. Contemporary aesthetic eyelid and periorbital rejuvenation has undergone a paradigm shift from an excisionally based surgical approach to one that prioritizes volume preservation and/or augmentation. The development of fat grafting to the eyelids and periorbita has given the eyelid surgeon a viable surgical alternative to prevent postoperative volume depletion, maintain the smooth transition of the lower eyelid to the cheek, and aid in restoring the youthful appearance desired after surgery. This article will focus of periorbital fat grafting and touch upon fat preservation techniques as primary restorative procedures or as surgical adjuncts
eyelid fat grafting - nasojugal groove - tear trough - orbitomalar groove - eyelid–cheek interface - eyelid–cheek junction - fat repositioning