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Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 2014; 15(3): 99-101
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1362464
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1362464
„Dignity Therapy“ – Eine psychologische Kurzintervention zur Stärkung von Würde am Lebensende
Further Information
Publication History
Publication Date:
16 May 2014 (online)

Die von der kanadischen Forschergruppe um Harvey M. Chochinov entwickelte sogenannte „Dignity Therapy“ (DT) findet in den letzten Jahren international zunehmend Beachtung. Auch in Deutschland gibt es mittlerweile erste Implementierungsansätze. DT bezieht sich auf den für die Palliativarbeit zentralen Begriff der Würde und wurde forschungsbasiert entwickelt. Im Folgenden sollen das zugrunde liegende Modell und die Behandlungsmethode vorgestellt werden.
- 1 Pullman D. The ethics of autonomy and dignity in long term care. Can J Aging 1999; 18: 26-46
- 2 Chochinov HM, Hack T, McClement S, Kristjanson L, Harlos M. Dignity in the terminally ill: a developing empirical model. Social science & medicine 2002; 54: 433-443
- 3 Chochinov HM, Hack T, Hassard T, Kristjanson LJ, McClement S, Harlos M. Dignity in the terminally ill: a cross-sectional, cohort study. The Lancet 2002; 360: 2026-2030
- 4 Chochinov HM. Dignity Therapy: A Novel Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Patients Near the End of Life. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2005; 23: 5520-5525
- 5 Johns SA. Translating Dignity Therapy into Practice: Effects and Lessons Learned. OMEGA--Journal of Death and Dying 2013; 67: 135-145
- 6 Goddard C, Speck P, Martin P, Hall S. Dignity Therapy for older people in care homes: a qualitative study of the views of residents and recipients of ‘generativity’ documents. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2013; 69: 122-132
- 7 Hall S, Goddard C, Opio D, Speck P, Higginson IJ. Feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of Dignity Therapy for older people in care homes: A phase II randomized controlled trial of a brief palliative care psychotherapy. Palliative medicine 2012; 26: 703-712
- 8 Östlund U, Brown H, Johnston B. Dignity conserving care at end-of-life: a narrative review. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2012; 16: 353-367
- 9 Chochinov HM, Cann B, Cullihall K, Kristjanson L, Harlos M, McClement SE, Hack TF, Hassard T. Dignity therapy: A feasibility study of elders in long-term care. Palliative and Supportive Care 2012; 10: 3-15
- 10 Bentley B, Aoun SM, O‘Connor M, Breen LJ, Chochinov HM. Is dignity therapy feasible to enhance the end of life experience for people with motor neurone disease and their family carers?. BMC Palliat Care 2012; 11: 18
- 11 Chochinov HM. Dignity-conserving care – a new model for palliative care. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 2002; 287: 2253-2260
- 12 Chochinov HM. Dying, Dignity, and New Horizons in Palliative End-of-Life Care. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2006; 56: 84-103
- 13 Chochinov HM, Kristjanson LJ, Breitbart W, McClement S, Hack TF, Hassard T, Harlos M. Effect of dignity therapy on distress and end-of-life experience in terminally ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. The lancet oncology 2011; 12: 753-762
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