Endosonography (EUS)-guided drainage of paragastric fluid collections using fully
covered self-expanding metal stents (FCSEMS) is now a well-established
procedure. Recently, new and specially designed lumen-apposing, fully-covered
metal cystgastrostomy stents have been employed for this indication. In this
case series, the use of these new stents for the drainage of malignant fluid
collections in three symptomatic patients is described. Cases included a large
pancreatic pseudocyst, secondary to underlying acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and
two large collections of loculated ascites due to metastatic ovarian and
cervical cancer, respectively. Technical success in inserting the new stents was
achieved in all three patients, and resulted in symptomatic relief. There were
no clinically significant complications directly attributed to the stents. These
new lumen-apposing cystgastrostomy stents may provide a viable, minimally
invasive, and effective alternative for drainage of malignant fluid collections,
either for definitive treatment or for palliation of symptoms.
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3 Itoi T, Binmoeller KF, Shah J et al. Clinical evaluation of a novel lumen-apposing metal stent for endosonography-guided pancreatic pseudocyst and gallbladder drainage (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 2012; 75: 870-876
4 Yamamoto N, Isayama H, Kawakami H et al. Preliminary report on a new, fully covered, metal stent designed for the treatment of pancreatic fluid collections. Gastrointest Endosc 2013; 77: 809-814
6 Sangisetty SL, Miner TJ. Malignant ascites: a review of prognostic factors, pathophysiology and therapeutic measures. World J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 4: 87-95