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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1378662
Nitroalkynes: A Unique Class of Energetic Materials
Publication History
Received: 18 April 2014
Accepted: 23 April 2014
Publication Date:
26 August 2014 (online)

We dedicate this paper to the memory of Professor H. G. Viehe, whose work on hetero-substituted and electron-poor alkynes was the inspiration for this review and our own investigations in the area.
Forty-five years after their first preparation, nitroalkynes retain interest for their unique chemical behavior and their potential as energetic materials. This review encompasses the physical and spectral properties, synthesis, reactivity, metal complexes, and theoretical studies of nitroalkynes not previously reviewed, and those prepared after 1973.
1 Introduction
2 Physical Properties of Nitroalkynes
3 Spectral Properties of Nitroalkynes
4 Syntheses of Nitroalkynes
4.1 Unsuccessful Attempts
4.1.1 Nitration
4.1.2 Elimination
4.1.3 Retrocycloaddition
4.2 Successful Strategies
4.2.1 Nitration
4.2.2 Elimination
4.2.3 Nucleophilic Displacement
4.2.4 From Triazoles
4.3 Attempts at the Synthesis of Dinitroacetylene
5 Reactions of Nitroalkynes
5.1 Thermal Decomposition
5.2 Nucleophilic Addition
5.3 Cycloaddition
6 Metal Complexes
7 Theoretical Studies
8 Conclusion
- 1 New address: Dr. G. K. Windler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS C920, P. O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545. Fax +1(505)6670500; E-mail:
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