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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1387695
Welche Faktoren beeinflussen den Erfolg von Supported Employment?
Which Factors Influence the Success of Supported Employment?Publication History
Publication Date:
26 August 2015 (online)

Anliegen: Identifikation prädiktiver Faktoren für den Erfolg von Supported Employment (SE) und prevocational training (PVT) bei Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen.
Methode: Systematische Literatursuche in PsychInfo, PubMed, PsychIndex, PsyArticles.
Ergebnisse: 45 Artikel konnten eingeschlossen werden. Motivation, Arbeitserfahrung und das Einhalten der SE-Prinzipien konnten als wichtigste Prädiktoren identifiziert werden.
Schlussfolgerung: Es zeigt sich, dass unter Berücksichtigung der einzelnen Prädiktoren der Erfolg von SE weiter gesteigert werden kann.
Objectives: Main goal of this review is to identify predictive factors for the outcome of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) with a focus on Supported Employment (SE) and of pre-vocational training (PVT) of individuals with mental illness.
Method: A systematic search of PsychInfo, PubMed, PsychIndex and PsyArticles was conducted. Studies were included if they compared both approaches, SE and PVT, contained predictors to optimize SE or PVT, investigated the effectiveness of SE or examined what constitutes adequate job coaching.
Results: 45 articles have been included. 27 articles referred to predictors that influence the outcome of SE or PVT, 9 showed a direct comparison between both approaches, 5 investigated job coaching and 4 examined the effectiveness of SE.
In summary motivation, work experience and high fidelity of IPS criteria seem to be the most important predictors for a successful job reintegration using SE.
Discussion: Overall, SE is more effective than PVT. The success of SE can be enhanced by keeping the predictors in mind. However, future research should focus more specifically on predictors.
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