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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1389093
Therapeutic Management of Intraventricular Cavernoma: Case Series and Review of the Literature
Publication History
29 August 2013
20 May 2014
Publication Date:
23 March 2015 (online)
Intraventricular cavernoma (IVC) is a rare intracranial vascular malformation and only 100 cases of IVC have been described in the literature. Although IVCs share some common characteristics with intraparenchymal cavernomas, they also have some distinct features involving structure, clinical symptoms, radiologic appearance, and onset of symptoms. This review presents our experience, consisting of five IVC cases over a period of 11 years. We describe the symptoms leading to hospital admission, the main radiologic findings, the management of each ICV case, and the patients' clinical status after surgery. We also reviewed the international literature on IVC, presenting the main demographic characteristics, their most common location in the ventricular system, and the main signs and symptoms. Finally, we present the management options according to the current literature, the advantages and disadvantages of every management option, accompanied by a brief follow-up of most IVC cases, whether the cavernoma was treated surgically or conservatively.
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