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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1389830
Publication History
Publication Date:
22 December 2014 (online)
Happy New Year to all our readers, authors, and friends of Endoscopy!
The past twelve months have flown by and I am happy to report that Endoscopy is going from strength to strength. Our impact factor is steady and we are amongst the top 10 leading journals in subject category Gastroenterology/Hepatology.
As the three year term for our Editorial Board came to an end for most members this year there has been a fair amount of change in its composition. The Editors look forward to working with the new faces on the Board. At the end of 2014 we also said farewell to Nimish Vakil, who has been a staunch supporter as Co-Editor since 2006. I would like to take the opportunity here to warmly thank Nimish for the succinct and insightful advice he always provided and to wish him all the best for his future endeavors. In mid-2014 we were joined by Wai Yan Philip Chiu, from Hong Kong, who has rapidly become a productive addition to the Co-Editor team.
Our online journal, Endoscopy International Open (EIO) which was launched last year has been a great success with over 180 submissions. EIO is now indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), the world’s leading biomedical literature database. Thierry Ponchon, EIO Editor-in-Chief, is the key to the journal’s success with his very personal and wholehearted dedication to this new journal.
As you may know, the volume of articles submitted to Endoscopy is very large and we are obliged to reject more than 80 % because of space restrictions. The Editors have closely screened the journal for possible areas of change and we have decided to discontinue the long-standing DDW Highlights and Endoscopy Essentials sections. Given the development of digital media and the ease with which the latest scientific data can be found on the internet, these sections were assessed to be less useful than in the past. Freeing up this space will allow us to accept approximately 5 % more studies, to the benefit, we believe, of our authors and readers alike.
Listed below are all those who reviewed for Endoscopy in 2014. I would like to thank all of you on the list for helping us to keep the quality of our journal at a high standard. I would also like to thank the authors who submitted to Endoscopy and to wish you a productive and healthy 2015.
Peter D. Siersema
Editor-in-Chief, Endoscopy