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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1563533
Brain Perfusion Is Increased at Term in the White Matter of Very Preterm Newborns and Newborns with Congenital Heart Disease: Does this Reflect Activated Angiogenesis?
Publication History
14 April 2015
04 July 2015
Publication Date:
04 September 2015 (online)

Objective This study aims to evaluate brain perfusion at term in very preterm newborns and newborns with congenital heart disease before their corrective surgery, and to search for histopathological indicators of whether the brain perfusion abnormalities of these newborns may be related to an activated angiogenesis.
Materials and Methods Using magnetic resonance imaging and arterial spin labeling, regional cerebral blood flow was measured at a term-equivalent age for three very preterm newborns (born at < 32 weeks), one newborn with congenital heart disease before his corrective surgery and three healthy newborns. In addition, a histopathological analysis was performed on a newborn with congenital heart disease.
Results The very preterm newborns and the newborn with congenital heart disease included in this study all displayed an increased signal in their white matter on T2-weighted imaging. The cerebral blood flow of these newborns was increased in their white matter, compared with the healthy term newborns. The vascular endothelial growth factor was overexpressed in the injured white matter of the newborn with congenital heart disease.
Conclusion Brain perfusion may be increased at term in the white matter, in very preterm newborns, and newborns with congenital heart disease, and it correlates with white matter abnormalities on conventional imaging.
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