CC BY-ND-NC 4.0 · SynOpen 2018; 02(01): 0041-0049
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1591933
Copyright with the author

Asymmetric Titanium-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Nitriles with Grignard Reagents

Julien Caillé
Paul Setzer
Fabien Boeda
Morwenna S. M. Pearson-Long
J.C. and P.S. gratefully thank the ‘Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche‘, the ‘Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique’ and the ‘Région Pays-de-la-Loire’ for PhD fellowships.
Further Information

Publication History

Received: 12 December 2017

Accepted: 20 January 2018

Publication Date:
20 February 2018 (online)


The titanium-catalyzed asymmetric cyclopropanation of cyanoesters­ with Grignard reagents was investigated for the first time. Particularly, the study of the efficiency of Taddol-based titanium complexes­ has shown that the prior preparation of Taddol titanium complexes was not required and a large panel of ligands was evaluated by using this approach. The spirocyclopropanelactams were obtained with good diastereoselectivity and with moderate enantioselectivities from the main diastereoisomer (up to 32%).

Supporting Information