Thromb Haemost 1999; 81(05): 748-757
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1614566
Rapid Communication
Schattauer GmbH

Enhancement of Protein S Anticoagulant Function by β2-glycoprotein I, a Major Target Antigen of Antiphospholipid Antibodies:

β2-glycoprotein I Interferes with Binding of Protein S to Its Plasma Inhibitor, C4b-binding Protein
Joan T. Merrill
1   From the Division of Rheumatology, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY
Hong Wei Zhang
1   From the Division of Rheumatology, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY
Christine Shen
1   From the Division of Rheumatology, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY
Bryan T. Butman
2   PerImmune Inc., Rockville, MD
Eddie P. Jeffries
2   PerImmune Inc., Rockville, MD
Robert G. Lahita
1   From the Division of Rheumatology, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY
Barry L. Myones
3   Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
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Received 15. Dezember 1997

Accepted after resubmission 20. Januar 1999

09. Dezember 2017 (online)


Thrombosis in the antiphospholipid syndrome has been associated with acquired deficiency of the anticoagulant protein S. We sought evidence that β2-glycoprotein I, a major target antigen for antiphospholipid antibodies, is involved in regulation of protein S activity. Incubation of purified protein S or plasma with β2-glycoprotein I reversed functional modulation of protein S by its plasma inhibitor, the C4b-binding protein. In a plasma-free ELISA, β2-glycoprotein I prevented the binding of protein S and C4b-binding protein when pre-incubated with immobilized protein S but not when similarly preincu-bated with C4b-binding protein. β2-glycoprotein I in fluid phase interfered with precipitation of protein S by sepharose-bound C4b-binding protein. Effects of β2-glycoprotein I on protein S function were inhibited by one of four monoclonal anti-β2-glycoprotein I antibodies. These data suggest that β2-glycoprotein I helps maintain adequate plasma levels of circulating free, active protein S. Antiphospholipid (anti-β2-glycoprotein I) antibodies might cause sporadic thrombosis, at least in part, by impairing this novel regulatory mechanism.

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