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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1616519
A New Blood Corpuscle
An Impossible Interview with Giulio BizzozeroPublication History
01 March 2001
Accepted after revision
20 April 2001
Publication Date:
09 December 2017 (online)

At the occasion of the first centennial anniversary of Giulio Bizzozero’s death (1901), an impossible interview is presented to honour this distinguished and creative investigator. The imaginary conversation between a reporter and Bizzozero – aged 36 years – takes place at the University of Turin in 1882, few months after Bizzozero’s announcement of the discovery of a new blood corpuscle with seemingly important function in thrombosis and blood coagulation. “An investigator who is not prepared in advance to look for other than the known elements – says Bizzozero – will be attracted only by the red and white corpuscles.”
Having discovered blood platelets, Bizzozero, convinced that scientific and social progress should proceed hand in hand, will turn – as a scientist and a member of the Italian Kingdom’s Senate – to such social issues as the welfare of the poor.
He will die in Turin, aged 55 years, shortly after Giuseppe Verdi, few months before the conferment of the first Nobel Prize for Medicine (to E. von Behring).
- 1 Bizzozero G. Su di un nuovo elemento morfologico del sangue dei mammiferi e della sua importanza nella trombosi e nella coagulazione. L’Osserva-tore-Gazzetta delle Cliniche 1881; 17: 785-87.
- 2 Anonymous.. A new blood corpuscle (Editorial). Lancet 1882; i: 111-12.
- 3 Coller BS. Bizzozero and the discovery of the blood platelet. Lancet 1984; i: 804.
- 4 Bizzozero J. Über einen neuen Formbestandtheil des Blutes und dessen Rolle bei der Thrombose und der Blutgerinnung. Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin 1882; 90: 261-332. Translated into English by Eugen A Beck. On a new blood particle and its role in thrombosis and blood coagulation. Hans Huber, Bern, 1982.
- 5 Bizzozero J. Blutplättchen und Blutgerinnung. Zentralbl Med Wissensch 1882; 20: 353-55.
- 6 Bizzozero G. Sul midollo delle ossa. Tipografia Italiana, Napoli, 1869.
- 7 Bizzozero G. Sulla struttura dei tubercoli prodotti per inoculazione. Rendiconti del R Istituto Lombardo, 1867.
- 8 Koch R. Die Aetiologie der Tuberculose. Berl Klin Wschr 1882; 19: 221-30.
- 9 Bizzozero G, Golgi C. Della trasfusione del sangue nel peritoneo e della sua influenza sulla ricchezza globulare del sangue circolante. Arch Sci Med. 1880
- 10 Mantegazza P. Sulla causa della coagulazione del sangue, della linfa e di altri liquidi fibrosi. Gazz Med Lomb 1869; 2: 157-60.
- 11 Gravela E. Giulio Bizzozero. Allemandi and Co.; Torino: 1989
- 12 Dianzani MU. Bizzozero and the discovery of platelets. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14: 330-336.
- 13 Schultze M. Ein heizbarer Objecttisch und seine Verwendung bei Untersuchungen des Blutes. Arch Mikroskop Anat 1865; 1: 1-4.
- 14 Osler W, Schäfer EA. über einige im Blute vorhandene bacterienbildende Massen. Centralbl Med Wissensch 1873; 11: 577-578.
- 15 Hayem G. Recherches sur l’évolution des hématies dans le sang de l’homme, et des vertébrés. Arch Physiol (deuxième série) 1878; 5: 692-734.
- 16 Bizzozero G. Sur les petites plaques du sang des mammifères, deuxième note. Arch Ital Biol 1882; 1: 1-4.
- 17 Bizzozero G. Les petites plaques du sang et la coagulation. Arch Ital Biol 1882; 1: 276.
- 18 Bizzozero J. Die Blutplättchen der Säugethiere und die “invisible corpuscles” von Norris. Zentralbl Med Wissensch 1882; 20: 161-163.
- 19 Baserga A. L’oeuvre hématologique de Giulio Bizzozero. Scientia Medica Italica 1958; 7: 45-63.
- 20 Virchow R. Gesammelte (ad) Handlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Medizin. Meidinger; Frankfurt a. M.: 1856
- 21 Zahn FW. De la formation des thrombus. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 1881; 1: 18-33.
- 22 Schmidt A. Die Lehre von den fermentativen Gerinnungserscheinungen in eiweissartigen thierischen Flüssigkeiten. Mattiesen; Dorpat: 1877
- 23 Hayem G. Leçons sur les maladies du sang. Masson; Paris: 1900
- 24 Bizzozero G. La difesa della società contro le malattie infettive. Stamperia Reale G B. Paravia e Comp di Vigliardi; Torino: 1883
- 25 Bobbio N. Prefazione. In: Giulio Bizzozero, E. Gravela ed. Allemandi and Co.; Torino: 1989: 9-11.
- 26 Bizzozero G. Il vino e la salute. Loecher; Torino: 1880
- 27 Bizzozero G. In: Atti parlamentari, Senato del Regno, XVII legislatura. 1a sessione 1890, Dicembre 11-13.
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