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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636044
The Computer Medical Record in Health Screening[*]) [**])
Publication Date:
10 February 2018 (online)
Computerized data banks require very complex patient record files. Our method of storing medical data from a multiphasic health screening program is described in detail, induding the mechanics for providing on-line medical record linkage.
Automatisierte Datertbanken erfordern sehr komplexe Patientendateien. Verfasser beschreibt die Methodik der Datenspeicherung eines multidimensionalen Gesundheitsscreening-Programms einschließlich der für ein On-line Record Linkage erforderlichen Mechanismen.
Maschinelles Krankenblatt - Vorsorgeuntersuchungen - Daten-Verknüpfung - Datenbanken.* The research aspects of this program are supported in part by the National Center for Health Services ResearchDevelopment (Grant HS 00288),the Kaiser Foundation Research Institute.
** Presented at the 7th International Biometric Conference in Hannover, Germany, August 18, 1970.
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- 5 Smythe M. Record Numbering. In Acheson E. (Ed.) Record Linkage in Medicine. 179-186 London: Livingstone; 1968