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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1650364
Increased Activation of the Haemostatic System in Men at High Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease
Publication History
Received 23 October 1995
Accepted after revision 26 January 1996
Publication Date:
10 July 2018 (online)

The haemostatic system was examined in 2951 men aged 50 to 61 years, clinically free of cardiovascular disease, who were ranked according to a risk score for fatal coronary heart disease (CHD). Risk was judged from their serum cholesterol concentration, systolic blood pressure, body mass index and smoking habit. The status of the factor VH-tissue factor pathway was estimated from the plasma levels of factor VII coagulant activity, factor VII antigen and activated factor VII. Activation of factor IX was assessed from the plasma concentration of factor IX activation peptide. Activity within the common pathway was measured as the plasma concentrations of prothrombin fragment 1+2 and fibrinopeptide A. All 6 markers of haemostatic status were positively and statistically significantly associated with risk, providing further evidence for a hypercoagulable state in men at high risk for fatal CHD. Plasma fibrinogen and serum triglyceride concentrations were also graded positively with risk.
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