Remnant like lipoprotein particles (RLP) of partially catabolised human plasma chylomicrons (CM) and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) were separated from CM and VLDL using two monoclonal antibodies, anti apo B-100 (JI-H) and anti apo A-I (H-12) coupled to Sepharose 4B gel to form an immunoaffinity column. Lipoproteins containing apo B-100 or apo E, including VLDL and LDL adsorb to (JI-H)-gel, while CM and HDL with apo A-I adsorb to (H-12)-gel. The unbound fraction (RLP) is rich in apo B-48, apo E and apo E rich apo B-100 which has not been recognized by JI-H. The RLP fraction with a total triglyceride of 12.35 ± 6.22 mg/ml; total cholesterol, 0.32 ± 0.08 mg/ml and total protein, 0.72 ± 0.12 mg/ml (mean ± S.E.M, n = 9) was added to blood from healthy persons at 2.5-200 |xl/ml and agitated gently at 37° C for 40 s. Platelet aggregation was assessed by measuring the loss of single platelets. At 2.5-10 μl, RLP induced platelet aggegation increased with the dose of RLP, but decreased at 25-200 julLScanning electron microscopy revealed that within 20 s of agitation in the presence of RLP, activated platelets had appeared on the red cell membrane and within 40 s of agitation, platelet aggregates had formed on the red cells. The platelet responses were unaffected by aspirin (10 or 20 μg/ml) but were inhibited by cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase type III inhibitor (0.4 to 1.6 μg/ml). It is likely that the platelet effect of RLP is a consequence of RLP dependent red cell-platelet interaction. This is the first report of platelet aggregation induced by RLP without an added platelet agonist.
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