Thromb Haemost 1997; 78(01): 457-461
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1657569
Genetic determinants of the risk of arterial thrombosis
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Gene-Environment Interaction in the Determination of Levels of Haemostatic Variables Involved in Thrombosis and Fibrinolysis

S E Humphries
1   Cardiovascular Genetics, Dept of Medicine, University College London Medical School, Rayne Institute, London
A Panahloo
2   Department of Medicine, Whittington Hospital, London
H E Montgomery
3   The Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, Dept. of Cardiology, University College London Medical School, London, UK
F Green
1   Cardiovascular Genetics, Dept of Medicine, University College London Medical School, Rayne Institute, London
J Yudkin
2   Department of Medicine, Whittington Hospital, London
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12. Juli 2018 (online)

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