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DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1740149
A Review of Coagulation Abnormalities of Autoimmune Acquired Factor V Deficiency with a Focus on Japan
Funding This study has been supported by a research aid from Japanese MHLW. The authors are indebted to all members of the Japanese Collaborative Research Group (JCRG) on autoimmune coagulation factor deficiencies (AiCFDs), as well as physicians in charge of acquired factor-V deficiency (AiFVD) cases for their help in collecting patients' clinical information and for participation in the nationwide survey of JCRG.
Coagulation factor V (or FV for the purpose of medical safety) is an essential cofactor of coagulation factor X in the common pathway of coagulation; severe FV deficiency leads to a bleeding tendency. Although both congenital and acquired FV deficiencies are widely recognized, FV deficiency also presents as an autoimmune disorder. A nationwide survey on autoimmune coagulation factor deficiencies (AiCFDs) conducted in Japan by our Japanese Collaborative Research Group identified 24 new patients with autoimmune FV deficiency (AiFVD) in the past 5 years. Furthermore, our extensive literature search confirmed that 177 AiFVD cases have been reported in previous articles published from Japan. Patients with AiFVD in Japan were predominantly men, with age similar to those with other AiCFDs. AiFVD was confirmed as a relatively mild type of bleeding diathesis, associated with lower mortality rate than that for AiFVD and other AiCFDs reported in previous studies. Patients with AiFVD had variable FV inhibitor titers and both neutralizing anti-FV autoantibodies and nonneutralizing counterparts. Although spontaneous resolution occurs in some patients, timely initiation of hemostatic and immunosuppressive therapies helps arrest the bleeding and eliminate anti-FV antibodies, resulting in a high cumulative recovery rate. Immunological anti-FV antibody detection is recommended to avoid missing AiFVD cases for the presence of nonneutralizing anti-FV autoantibodies. Further investigation is necessary to clarify the long-term prognosis and optimal management of AiFVD.
acquired coagulation factor deficiency - autoantibody - bleeding disorder - factor V - inhibitor - nonneutralizing antibodyAuthors' Contributions
A.I. initiated and designed the study, extracted data, wrote, edited, and proofread the manuscript. T.O. conducted experimental examinations, statistical analyses, and proofread the manuscript. M.S. performed experimental examinations and proofread the manuscript.
Publication History
Article published online:
23 December 2021
© 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
333 Seventh Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA
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