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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-104346
Psychiatrisches Pflegepraktikum und die Förderung des fachspezifischen Ausbildungsinteresses
Psychiatric Nursing Internship and Promotion of Specialized Training InterestPublication History
Publication Date:
21 April 2016 (online)

Das Pflegepraktikum als Zugangsweg in den psychiatrischen Fachbereich ist weitgehend unbeachtet. Eine deutschlandweite Umfrage analysiert das medizinische Pflegepraktikum unter den Aspekten: praktische Fähigkeiten, Lehre im Pflegepraktikum, Kompetenzerwerb und Zufriedenheit. Die wenigen Studierenden im psychiatrischen Pflegepraktikum weisen auf entscheidende praktische inhaltliche Aspekte hin, geben einen Einblick in die Bewertung der Zufriedenheit und zu dem Zugang in das Fachpflegepraktikum. Eine gelungene inhaltliche Strukturierung des praktischen Initialkontaktes kann Studierende bei der Fachauswahl unterstützen.
Qualified personnel in the field of medical psychiatry are crucial to providing comprehensive care. The importance of a nursing internship as an access point to the psychiatric field is not considered by key players. A survey conducted across German medical schools in 2012 analyzed medical care internships as viewed by medical school students. From among students surveyed, those who participated in a nursing internship, and would consider taking part in further internships within the psychiatric department (“PFJ”), were separated from those who were not sure (“PFU”) or who would not (“PFN”) consider further study in the field of psychiatry. The survey’s conclusion was that a comparably small number of students opted for a psychiatric nursing internship based upon practical aspects of content, satisfaction, and access to nursing internships. A potential solution to the low numbers of students selecting psychiatric internships is to restructure the initial contact program that psychiatric departments use to introduce prospective medical school students to the field of psychiatry.
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