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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-110396
Endoscopic submucosal dissection of cecal lesions in proximity to the appendiceal orifice
submitted 14. November 2015
accepted after revision 28. April 2016
28. Juli 2016 (online)

Background and study aims: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is performed for treatment of various gastrointestinal lesions; however, the cecum in proximity to the appendiceal orifice remains a challenging area. We reviewed our experience with cecal ESD near the appendiceal orifice in order to clarify whether this procedure is a safe and effective therapeutic option.
Patients and methods: We retrospectively reviewed ESD for lesions within approximately 12 mm of the appendiceal orifice at Kobe University Hospital and an affiliated hospital between January 2003 and December 2014. Lesions were classified as: Type 0, proximity to the appendiceal orifice but does not reach it; Type 1, reaches border of the appendix, but does not enter orifice; Type 2, enters orifice, and transition to normal appendiceal mucosa is discernible on inspection of the appendiceal lumen; and Type 3, enters orifice deeply and tumor edge cannot be observed. ESD was not performed for Type 3 lesions unless appendectomy was performed prior to ESD.
Results: A total of 76 lesions satisfied the inclusion criteria (47 Type 0 lesions, 20 Type 1, 6 Type 2, and 3 Type 3). En bloc resection was achieved in 72 lesions (94.7 %). Median specimen size was 49 mm (range 15 – 114 mm), and median tumor size was 35.5 mm (10 – 110 mm). One patient experienced postoperative bleeding, which was treated by endoscopic hemostasis. Another patient who experienced intraoperative perforation and was treated by clip closure later developed appendicitis; he underwent emergency ileocecal surgical resection. Another patient experienced postoperative appendicitis and recovered with antibiotic treatment.
Conclusions: ESD in close proximity to the appendiceal orifice seems safe and effective.
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