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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1745605
Listeners Who Prefer Monaural to Binaural Hearing Aids
Four patients who preferred monaural as compared with binaural amplification were evaluated. For these patients, audiometric data, recognition performance on a dichotic digit task, and monaural and binaural hearing aid performance using four amplification strategies (National Acoustic Laboratories-Revised, a speech in noise algorithm, multiple-microphone arrays, and frequency modulated [FM]) are described. The results of dichotic testing using a one-, two-, and three-pair dichotic digit task in free- and directed-recall conditions indicated a left-ear deficit for all subjects that could not be explained by peripheral auditory findings or by a cognitive-based deficit. The results of soundfield testing using a speech in multitalker babble paradigm indicated that when listening in noise, there was little difference between aided and unaided word-recognition performance, suggesting that the binaural hearing aids originally fit for each patient were not providing substantial benefit when listening in a competing babble background. Word-recognition performance when aided monaurally in the right ear was superior to performance when aided monaurally in the left ear and when aided bin- aurally. The only successful binaural amplification strategy was the FM system. The results indicate that listeners with an auditory-based deficit in dichotic listening may function better with a monaural hearing aid fitting or with an assistive listening device such as an FM system. The findings also suggest that a test of dichotic listening is an important component in the evaluation of patients being considered for amplification.
Abbreviations: ALD = assistive listening device, BTE = behind the ear, DM = directional microphone, FM = frequency modulated, ITE = in the ear, NAL-R = National Acoustic Laboratories-Revised, NU-6 = Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6, S/B = signal-to-babble ratio, S/N - signal-to-noise ratio
Publication History
Article published online:
02 March 2022
© 2001. American Academy of Audiology. This article is published by Thieme.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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