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DOI: 10.1055/s-1999-8839
Measurement of Maximal Power Output in Isokinetic and Non-Isokinetic Cycling. A Comparison of Two Methods
31. Dezember 1999 (online)

The main goal of the study was to compare maximal power output and power output at different pedalling frequencies obtained during isokinetic all-out tests with maximal power output obtained during a single all-out sprint (against the same braking force for every subject). Sixty healthy male subjects participated in the study. The ergometer system used in this study has three operating modes: the isokinetic mode (maintaining pedal crank velocity constant at a present level), a revolution dependent mode and a revolution independent mode. In all three operating modes the effective forces are monitored by means of strain gauge. All subjects performed a single all-out sprint against a braking force of 20 Newton and an all-out isokinetic cycling test consisting of ten 10 s bouts of maximal cycling at speeds ranging from 50 rpm to 140 rpm. In both tests, irrespective of which test mode was used, the mean power for a complete crank revolution showed parabolic relationships to crank velocity. For the isokinetic test, the subjects showed a peak power (IsoWpeak) of 15.3 ± 1.7 W/kg corresponding to an optimal velocity of 115 ± 8.6 rpm. For the force-velocity test NonisoWpeak (the highest power obtained at any time during the test) was 14.4 ± 1.9 W/kg and was achieved at a pedalling rate of 127 ± 14 rpm. IsoWpeak was significantly higher than NonisoWpeak (p < 0.001) but there were no significant differences between NonisoWpeak and IsoWmax (maximal mean power for each full crank revolution) for the revolutions from 90 rpm to 140 rpm. Though, NonisoWpeak and IsoWpeak are significantly different, there was a strong relationship between NonisoWpeak and IsoWpeak (r = 0.7158, p < 0.001). There was also a strong relationship between NonisoWpeak and IsoWmax for the revolutions from 50 rpm to 120 rpm (p < 0.001) and at 130 rpm (p < 0.01).
Key words:
Isokinetic cycling - force-velocity test - optimal velocity - maximal power - limb symmetry-index
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R. Baron
Institute of Sports Science Department of Prevention and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine University of Vienna
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