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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-15880
Epidemiology of Prescriptions for Neuroleptic Drugs:
Tranquilizers rather than Antipsychotics
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)

Background: The pharmacology of neuroleptics as well as epidemiological and clinical observations of prescriptions of these drugs give the impression that they are and can be used for indications other than schizophrenia to a considerable degree. Method: We analyzed pharmacoepidemiological data on neuroleptic prescriptions in Germany. We used the following criteria: numbers of defined daily doses (DDDs) per annum, diagnoses for which they were prescribed, patient age, specialist medical training of the prescribing physician, and indicators that neuroleptics were used instead of other psychotropic drugs such as minor tranquilizers. Results: Only 14 % of the prescriptions for neuroleptic drugs were for schizophrenic psychoses, 18 % for other paranoid psychoses and 5 % for affective disorders. 63 % were prescribed for neurotic disorders, sleep disorders, or dementia. Almost half of the neuroleptic prescriptions were given for patients aged 65 years or over. Only 40 % were prescribed by psychiatrists or neurologists. Throughout the period from 1986 to 1995, neuroleptic prescriptions increased steadily, which was paralleled by a decrease in the prescription rates for benzodiazepines. Conclusions: Evaluation is urgently needed for those uses of neuroleptic drugs that, from a pharmacoepidemiological perspective, must be seen as their primary indication.
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Prof. Dr. Michael Linden
Outpatient Research Group
Dept. of Psychiatry, Free University
Eschenallee 3
14050 Berlin
Phone: +41-030-844 58 439
Fax: +41-030-844 58 447