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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-41082
Elbow: The Trochleogingylomoid Joint
Publication History
Publication Date:
30 July 2003 (online)

More complex than a hinged joint, the elbow provides flexion-extension as well as pronation-supination. A unique arrangement of joint surfaces, soft tissue restraints, and muscle forces provides the mobility and stability of this joint. Understanding basic elbow biomechanics will assist the musculoskeletal radiologist in evaluations of this joint.
Elbow anatomy - elbow biomechanics - trochleogingylomoid joint
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1 Kinematics is the study of range of motion and surface motion of a joint.
2 Kinetics is the static and dynamic analysis of forces and moments acting on a joint. Statics define forces and moments of a body in equilibrium (sum of forces and sum of moments are zero). Dynamics define a body in motion where the sum of forces and/or the sum of moments are not zero.