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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-41083
Hip Biomechanics: Importance to Functional Imaging
Publication History
Publication Date:
30 July 2003 (online)

Although well recognized the hip joint is not well understood. In many respects knowledge of the hip is similar to that of the knee several decades ago. Increased understanding of the hip's structure and function will improve our ability to diagnose and treat pre-end-stage hip joint disease. This article describes relevant anatomy and mechanics and details the crucial role that imaging plays in current assessments of hip function.
Hip - biomechanics - labrum - radiography - MRI
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1 *Kinematics is the study of the range of motion and surface motion of a joint.
2 **A geometric shape with the general formula r = a + b cosj.
3 ***Stress is the force per unit area acting on a given plane within a structure.
4 ****Kinetics is the static and dynamic analysis of forces and moments acting on a joint. Statics define the forces and moments of a body in equilibrium (sum of the forces and sum of the moments are zero). Dynamics define a body in motion where the sum of the forces and/or the sum of the moments are not zero.
5 *****A moment is the ability of a force to produce motion about a point. It is the product of force times the moment arm (perpendicular distance from the force's line of action to the point).