Krankenhauspsychiatrie 2004; 15(1): 9-11
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-818372
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Behandlung von Parasuiziden in Großbritannien: Psychosoziale Untersuchung statt Hospitalisierung

Treatment of Parasuicide in Great Britain: Psychosocial Assessment instead of HospitalisationP.  Lepping1
  • 1Ellesmere Port & Neston Community Mental Health Team
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
15 March 2004 (online)


Während psychiatrische Hospitalisierung in Deutschland bei Suizidalität üblich ist, wird dies in Großbritannien eher selten angewandt. Legt man Prinzipien der Evidence-based Medicine zugrunde, lassen sich keine Belege finden, dass Hospitalisierung bei Suizidalität oder nach Parasuiziden von Nutzen ist. Es gibt allerdings Hinweise, dass konsiliarpsychiatrische psychosoziale Untersuchungen sowie einige psychotherapeutische Maßnahmen Erfolg bei der Parasuizidbehandlung versprechen können.


Whilst in Germany hospitalisation is normal treatment for patients with suicidal ideation, this is rather uncommon in Great Britain. Applying evidence-based medicine there is no evidence to suggest that hospitalisation after parasuicides is a useful treatment. There is, however, growing evidence for the efficacy of psychosocial assessment and certain psychotherapeutic interventions post parasuicide.


  • 1 Hawton K, Fagg J, Simkin S, Bale E, Bond A. Attempted suicide in Oxford 1995. Oxford: University Department of Psychiatry, Oxford University Press 1996
  • 2 Kerkhof A JFM. et al .New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford University Press 2001: 1040-1041
  • 3 Hawton K, Fagg J. Suicide and other causes of death following attempted suicide.  Br J Psychiatry. 1988;  152 359-366
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  • 5 Lepping P. Operational Policy Number D6, Deliberate self-harm. Arrowe Park Wirral Hospital NHS Trust 2003, Audit 2002
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  • 7 The Royal College of Psychiatrists .The General Hospital Management of Adult DSH, Council Report CR32, 5
  • 8 Isacsson G, Rich C. Management of patients who deliberately harm themselves.  British Medical Journal. 2001;  322 213-215
  • 9 Hawton K. et al . Deliberate self-harm: systematic review of efficacy of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments in preventing repetition.  British Medical Journal. 1998;  317 441-447
  • 10 Hirsch S R, Walsh C, Draper R. Parasuicide: A review of treatment interventions.  J Affec Dis. 1982;  4 (4) 229-311
  • 11 Evans M O, Morgan H G, Hayward A. et al . Crisis telephone consultation for deliberate self-harm patients: effects on repetition.  Br J Psychiatry. 1999;  175 23-27
  • 12 Waterhouse J, Platt S. General Hospital admission in the management of parasuicide: A randomised controlled trial.  Br J Psychiatry. 1990;  156 236-242
  • 13 Guthrie E, Kapur N, Mackway-Jones K. Randomised controlled trial of brief psychological intervention after deliberate self poisoning. British Medical Journal 2001 323: 135
  • 14 Kapur N, House A, Dodgson K. et al . Effect of general hospital management on repeat episodes of deliberate self-poisoning: cohort study.  British Medical Journal. 2002;  325 866-867

Dr. Peter Lepping

MB ChB, MRCPsych, MSc · Ellesmere Port & Neston Community Mental Health Team

85, Wellington Road

Ellesmere Port


CH65 0BY

