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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-830514
A Conceptual Framework for Performance Diagnosis and Training Prescription from Submaximal Gas Exchange Parameters - Theory and Application
Publication History
Accepted after revision: September 1, 2004
Publication Date:
22 December 2004 (online)

The first part of this article intends to give an applicable framework for the evaluation of endurance capacity as well as for the derivation of exercise prescription by the use of two gas exchange thresholds: aerobic (AerTGE) and anaerobic (AnTGE). AerTGE corresponds to the first increase in blood lactate during incremental exercise whereas AnTGE approximates the maximal lactate steady state. With very few constraints, they are valid in competitive athletes, sedentary subjects, and patients. In the second part of the paper, the practical application of gas exchange thresholds in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies is described, thereby further validating the 2-threshold model. It is shown that AerTGE and AnTGE can reliably distinguish between different states of endurance capacity and that they can well detect training-induced changes. Factors influencing their relationship to the maximal oxygen uptake are discussed. Finally, some approaches of using gas exchange thresholds for exercise prescription in athletes, healthy subjects, and chronically diseased patients are addressed.
Key words
Anaerobic threshold - lactate - endurance - exercise
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1 Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion concerning the terms “aerobic” and “anaerobic”. It was argued that there is no complete absence of anaerobic metabolism even at rest. In addition, the rather transitional nature of changes in metabolic processes from very low to high intensities was emphasized. However, we would like to lead the readers' attention to the application-oriented background of the models. Apart from the naming, no real disagreement exists that at least for clinicians and coaches the first rise in blood lactate during incremental exercise and the maximal lactate steady state represent two clearly discernible phenomena, each with a different meaning [[32], [57]]. The reason to adopt the Kindermann/McLellan terminology within this review is that it covers both “thresholds” - although it does not solve all problems. Consequently, it is acknowledged that the terms “aerobic” and “anaerobic” do not perfectly represent the physiological process that underlie these thresholds.
T. Meyer
Institute of Sports and Preventive Medicine, University of Saarland, Faculty of Clinical Medicine
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