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DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-947858
A Short History of Diagnostic Tests for von Willebrand Disease: In Memory of Barry Firkin (1930 to 2001) and Ted Zimmerman (1937 to 1988)
24. Juli 2006 (online)

By the end of the 1960s, von Willebrand disease (vWD) was accepted as a combined deficiency of factor (F) VIII coagulation and a plasma factor responsible for normal platelet adhesion. Just how these two functions related to each other was unclear, and the diagnostic tests available at the time were poorly reproducible, cumbersome, and unreliable. As a consequence, the condition was poorly delineated from other coagulation and platelet disorders. In the early 1970s, ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation was described and formed the basis of the first consistent and reliable test that quantified the platelet adhesive function missing in vWD. Immunoprecipitating techniques specific for the molecule missing in vWD were defined. The application of these technologies allowed a clearer understanding of the heterogeneity of vWD and continues to form a basis for the diagnosis of this condition. Concurrently, exploration of the structure and function of von Willebrand factor (vWF) has contributed greatly to the understanding of platelet physiology, ligand receptor interaction, and pathways of cellular interaction and activation. Despite all of the progress during the last 35 years, including extensive developments in the field of molecular biology and genetics of vWD, the diagnosis of this condition in many, if not most cases, remains controversial. The final plasma level of vWF is influenced substantially by epigenetic and environmental factors. This natural heterogeneity is further compounded by significant imprecision of existing tests. As a consequence, defining vWD on the basis of a variation from the normal range alone is more than likely to be incorrect. The high frequency of a positive bleeding disorder in the normal population does not assist discrimination. It has been suggested that the diagnosis of mild type 1 vWD be discarded because it does not exhibit consistent linkage to the VWF gene and does not predict bleeding.
von Willebrand disease (vWD) - diagnosis - history
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Jerry KouttsM.D.
Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, 2145 Australia