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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-969504
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Mechanism of Antihepatotoxic Activity of Wuweizisu C and Gomisin A[1]
Publication History
Publication Date:
26 February 2007 (online)
The mechanism of inhibitory action of wuweizisu C and gomisin A in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver damage was investigated by determining the effects of these substances on the steps of the series of events leading to liver lesion.
Although wuweizisu C and gomisin A exerted no inhibition in CCl3 radical formation, both lignans inhibited CCl4-, ADP/Fe3+- and ascorbate/Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation, and wuweizisu C elicited stronger effects than gomisin A which is parallel with the results on antihepatotoxic effects in CCl4-induced cytotoxicity, indicating that anti-oxidative action plays an important part in the antihepatotoxic activity of wuweizisu C and gomisin A.
1 Part 28 in the Tohoku University series on Liver-protective drugs. Also Part 97 on the validity of the Oriental medicines
1 Part 28 in the Tohoku University series on Liver-protective drugs. Also Part 97 on the validity of the Oriental medicines