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DOI: 10.1160/TH10-03-0190
Asia-Pacific Thrombosis Advisory Board consensus paper on prevention of venous thromboembolism after major orthopaedic surgery
Financial support: The Asia-Pacific Thrombosis Advisory Board Meeting was funded by Bayer Schering Pharma AG and participants received honoraria for their attendance. Editorial support for the preparation of this manuscript was funded by Bayer Schering Pharma AG.Publication History
24 March 2010
Accepted after major revision:
25 June 2010
Publication Date:
24 November 2017 (online)
The incidence of postoperative venous thromboembolism (VTE) in Asian populations is generally thought to be lower than in Western populations, and the use of thromboprophylaxis after surgery is not routine. This paper is authored by the Asia-Pacific Thrombosis Advisory Board. To provide guidance on the most effective postoperative thrombo prophylaxis management, this paper reviews the available data on the incidence of VTE in Asian populations, considers current clinical guidelines for the prevention of VTE to determine whether these guidelines are applicable to Asian populations, and evaluates the potential of new thromboprophylactic agents. Based on the available evidence, it was agreed that VTE represents a genuine problem in Asian patients, although the exact incidence in local populations requires confirmation in large, well-designed clinical trials. Furthermore, there was consensus that current guideline recommendations for the routine use of postoperative thromboprophylaxis should be implemented in Asia, and that new oral agents now available represent an effective and potentially more convenient therapeutic option. In conclusion, we call for recognition that VTE is an issue in Asian patients, and that effective thromboprophylaxis is the most important strategy.
* See Appendix.
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